Who are Mission Builders?
Some builders are retired professional contractors, builders or carpenters, but most come from other walks of life: retired farmers, police officers, sales people, doctors, teachers, mechanics, pastors, etc. Those with experience help those with less experience. Christian principles are applied on the construction site and each worker does what he or she can. All men and women who wish to use their skills to help congregations or other ministries build are welcome. Mission Builders use their gifts in whatever ways they feel most comfortable, whether it be in the construction process, teaching Bible school, singing in the choir, preparing and serving meals, or participating in social ministry projects in the local community. They contribute to congregations and the surrounding communities.
A typical Mission Builder project lasts three months, and the majority of the projects take place during the summer months. Congregations provide workers’ compensation insurance and pay minimum wage for an eight-hour, five-day work week. Mission Builders feel this is a ministry from which they receive a great deal of fulfillment. While most Mission Builders own recreational vehicles, congregations can also arrange housing where necessary. Mission Builders make friends with fellow builders and with people from the host communities. They travel throughout the country, developing friendships and witnessing to Christ’s presence in our world.
Interested in becoming a Mission Builder? For more information, email or call 800-643-5295.