Justice Portal

Because God redeems us through Christ, we are made new to love and serve all neighbors. Loving neighbors includes working for justice in our personal and public lives. Together as church and as individual Christians, we are called to love neighbors as we love ourselves.

As a church we affirm God’s call through our 1991 social statement The Church in Society: A Lutheran Perspective: "Along with all citizens, Christians have the responsibility to defend human rights and to work for freedom, justice, peace, environmental well-being and good order in public life" (p. 5; download in English or Spanish).

On this page you will find information and links to participate with others across the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in living out God’s baptismal call to act for justice.

Micah 6:8



  • Resources for synods and congregations | VIEW
  • Living Lutheran Stories | VIEW
  • Website | VIEW
  • ELCA Advocacy Action Center | VIEW
  • ELCA Advocacy Network Alert | VIEW
  • Faith and Society web | VIEW
  • Publicly Engaged Church web | VIEW
  • Repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery | VIEW
  • A Declaration of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to American Indian and Alaska Native People | VIEW
  • GOD WITH US, An Advent devotional from the ELCA Homeless and Justice Network, pages | VIEW
  • GOD WITH US, An Advent devotional from the ELCA Homeless and Justice Network, spreads | VIEW
  • Grace, Gratitude and Grit; A Worship Resource from the ELCA Homeless and Justice Network | VIEW
  • Homeless and Justice Handbook, Directory | VIEW
  • ELCA Social Statement- Sufficient, Sustainable Livelihood For All | VIEW
  • World Hunger - Know Your Neighborhood Worksheet and Guide | VIEW
  • World Hunger - Hungering for Justice Study Guide | VIEW
  • World Hunger Symposium "The Forgotten Luther" Carter Lindberg, "Luther and the Common Chest" | VIEW
For Kids:
  • World Hunger - Hunger Catechism, 1st Commandment and wealth inequality | VIEW
  • World Hunger - Hunger Catechism, 7th commandment and wage theft | VIEW
  • ELCA Ecumenical and Inter-religious relations | VIEW
    • Jewish relations: Declaration of the ELCA to the Jewish Community | VIEW
    • Jewish relations: Guidelines for Lutheran-Jewish Relations | VIEW
  • Muslim relations: Shoulder to Shoulder | VIEW
  • National Council of Churches | VIEW
    • Anti-racism resources | VIEW
    • Justice and peace | VIEW
  • Advocacy Caring for Creation | VIEW
    • Resources for synods and congregations | VIEW
    • Social Statements | VIEW
  • Lutherans Restoring Creation | VIEW
  • Sustainability: A Pathway to a Resilient Future | VIEW
  • Resources for synods and congregations | VIEW
  • Websites | VIEW
  • Spanish:
    • Spanish language resources | VIEW
    • Spanish Social Statements | VIEW
    • Spanish Social Messages | VIEW
  • African Descent (ELCA.org) | VIEW
    • African Descent Lutheran Association | VIEW
    • Facebook | VIEW
    • Twitter | VIEW
    • Instagram | VIEW
    • Explanation of the Declaration of the ELCA to People of African Descent | VIEW
    • Declaration of People of African Descent - Study Guide | VIEW
    • Declaration of People of African Descent - Participant Materials | VIEW
  • American Indian and Alaska Native (ELCA.org) | VIEW
    • American Indian and Alaska Native Lutheran Association | VIEW
    • Facebook | VIEW
    • A Declaration of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to American Indian and Alaska Native People | VIEW
  • Arab and Middle Eastern (ELCA.org) | VIEW
    • Association of Lutherans of Arab and Middle Eastern Heritage of the ELCA | VIEW
  • Asian and Pacific Islander (ELCA.org) | VIEW
    • Association of Asians and Pacific Islanders of the ELCA | VIEW
  • European Descent Lutheran Association for Racial Justice (ELCA.org) | VIEW
    • European Descent Lutheran Association for Racial Justice | VIEW
  • Latino (ELCA.org) | VIEW
    • The Latino Ministries Association (Asociación Luterana de Ministerios Latinos E.L.C.A) | VIEW
    • Facebook | VIEW
  • Faith, Sexism, and Justice: A Call to Action | VIEW
    • User's Guide | VIEW
    • Living Lutheran Stories | VIEW
    • Social Statement | VIEW
    • What do Lutheran’s say about…Gender Justice? video | VIEW
  • Gender Justice and Women's Empowerment | VIEW
    • Resources for synods and congregations | VIEW
  • Gender Justice Policy of the Lutheran World Federation | VIEW
  • AMMPARO: Accompanying Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation and Opportunities | VIEW
    • Resources for synods and congregations | VIEW
    • Living Lutheran Stories | VIEW
    • Social Messages | VIEW
    • Videos | VIEW
    • Facebook | VIEW
    • Sanctuary Denomination | VIEW
  • Resources for synods and congregations | VIEW
  • Living Lutheran Stories | VIEW
  • Social Statements | VIEW
  • Website | VIEW
  • ReconcilingWorks | Lutherans for Full Participation | VIEW
  • Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries (elm.org) | VIEW
  • A Time for Burning Study Guide | VIEW PDF
  • Worship Resources for the Day of Racial Healing | VIEW PDF | VIEW DOC
  • Tools and resources for synods and congregations | VIEW
  • Living Lutheran Stories | VIEW
  • Social Messages | VIEW
  • Website | VIEW
  • Anti-Racism Pledge page | VIEW
  • Black Lives Matter page | VIEW
    • Campaign Zero | VIEW
  • Commemoration of the Emanuel Nine — June 17 - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America | VIEW
  • The vocation of citizenship - Living Lutheran | VIEW
  • How Strategic and Authentic is Our Diversity: A Call for Confession, Reflection and Healing Action | VIEW
  • DE&I Glossary of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Terms | VIEW
  • 60-Day Journey Toward Justice in a Culture of Gun violence | VIEW

Augsburg Fortress offers the following resources that take into account justice matters.

  1. Hear My Voice: A Prison Prayer Book
    Description: This is a prayer book for those who are incarcerated. Featuring the gifts of writers with diverse connections to the criminal justice system, Hear My Voice is a collaborative effort sponsored by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Augsburg Fortress. As noted in the book’s welcome on p. 8, “This book is also a call to the church and to every congregation to be in prayer and solidarity with people who are incarcerated.” | VIEW
  2. Luther’s Small Catechism with African Descent Reflections
    Description: This edition of Luther's Small Catechism is not only the version of the Small Catechism widely used among Lutherans in North America today, but also includes reflections from a distinguished group of African descent Lutheran theologians. These brief commentaries offer additional context, language, and illumination from the experiences of African descent people, both past and present, to enrich our understanding of the Small Catechism and enliven faith. -- Excerpt from the introduction by the Rev. Dr. James Kenneth Echols (1951- 2018). | VIEW

Environmental Justice

  1. Stewart, Benjamin M. A Watered Garden: Christian Worship and Earth’s Ecology
    Description: This book begins with the classic, ecumenically held patterns of Christian worship and explores them for their deep connections to ecological wisdom, for their sacramental approaches to creation, and for a renewed relationship to the earth now itself in need of God’s healing. | VIEW


  1. Erlander, Daniel. Manna and Mercy: A Brief History of God’s Unfolding Promise to Mend the Entire Universe
    Description: Manna and Mercy is a book about God--more specifically, the God of the Bible who is present and active in human history and in our lives today. Through his distinctive illustrations and hand-lettered text, Erlander conveys the continuity of God’s covenant of life, justice, and inclusion to all people and all of creation. God is in the business of mending the universe, and we are all Partner People in that work.nThis book includes several supportive resources for children and adults; it can be read by an individual but also serves as a curriculum for children and adults. | VIEW
    Leader Sourcebook | VIEW


  • January

    • 15 – Martin Luther King Jr. birthday
    • 16 – Martin Luther King Jr. day observed (Holiday is observed on the third Monday of January)
    • 17 – National Day of Racial Healing (Observed the day after the Martin Luther King Jr. day)
  • February

    Black History Month

  • March

    Women’s History Month

    • 8 – International Women’s Day
    • 21 – International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
    • 25 – International Day of Remembrance of Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade
  • April

    Arab American Heritage Month

    • 11 – Fair Housing Month/Anniversary of Fair Housing Act
    • 22 – Earth Day
  • May

    Asian Pacific Awareness Month

    Mental Health Awareness Month

    • 4 – National Day of Prayer (first Thursday in May)
    • 5 – Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women’s Day
    • 31 to June 1 - Tulsa Massacre Commemoration
  • June

    LGBTQIA+ Pride Month

    • 17 – Commemoration of the Emanuel Nine
    • 19 – Juneteenth
    • 20 – World Refugee Day
  • July


  • August

    • 23 – International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition
    • 23 – Anniversary of the uprising of Santo Domingo (today Haiti and Dominican Republic) that initiated the abolition of slavery in Caribbean
    • 28 – Anniversary of the historic March on Washington, D.C.
    • 31 – International Day for People of African Descent
  • September

    National Hispanic Heritage Month Sept 15 to Oct 15

  • October

    Domestic Violence Awareness Month

    • 11 – Indigenous Peoples Day (Observed on the second Monday of October)
  • November

    National American Indian Heritage Month

  • December

    • 1 – World AIDS Day
    • 10 – Human Rights Day
    • 18 – International Migrants Day