ELCA congregations receive grants to support clergy sabbaticals

12/5/2008 12:00:00 AM

by Frank Imhoff, ELCA News Service

Twenty-one congregations and 23 pastors of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) received grants from the
Indianapolis-based Lilly Endowment.  The ELCA recipients
were among 133 congregations and 138 pastors in 36 states
that received grants.  Now entering its 10th year, the
National Clergy Renewal Program provided grants in 2008
ranging from $18,758 to $45,000 to help congregations cover
costs associated with their pastors' sabbaticals.

"The Lilly Endowment continues to be one of our strongest
allies in the effort to make sabbaticals a part of the culture
of the ELCA," said the Rev. Richard J. Bruesehoff, director
for lifelong learning, ELCA Vocation and Education.  "ELCA
congregations and their pastors are taking full advantage of
the generous support available through the National Clergy
Renewal Program.  These congregations and the many others
that are encouraging their pastors to take regular sabbaticals
are realizing the countless ways sabbaticals renew and
revitalize the life and the ministry of the entire
congregation," he said.

The announcement that Lilly is taking applications for 2009
said, "Each congregation may apply for an award of up to $50,000,
and up to $15,000 of that amount may be spent for congregational
support during the absence of the pastor."  Christian
congregations in 49 states and the District of Columbia are
eligible to apply.  The Lilly Endowment also conducts the Clergy
Renewal Program for Indiana Congregations.


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