ELCA World Hunger works in more than 60 countries around the world. The strength of our international work is in the relationship between the ELCA and its global companion churches and partners. These churches and organizations understand their local context best, and this means they can responsibly identify their communities’ greatest needs and the most appropriate responses. We walk together with our global partners to develop strategies to reduce the impact of hunger and poverty. Together, we achieve things on a scale and scope that we never could do otherwise. Learn more about the accompaniment approach.
Your gifts to ELCA World Hunger provide international grants for relief, advocacy and sustainable development projects. In partnership with global companion churches — Lutheran church bodies around the world — and other Lutheran partners, such as The Lutheran World Federation, and ecumenical partners like Church World Service, these grants support sustainable development work in areas related to healthcare, income generation, food security, clean water and education — addressing hunger right at the root causes.