Help for logging into  ELCA accounts

Help for logging into ELCA accounts

Your security and experience on ELCA.org are important to us. Users will be able to access all three of our systems with a single login. You may also log in with supported social media and email provider accounts. This change will help you manage your accounts and information more easily.

The systems on ELCA.org described below require logins to access information. With this change, a single login will provide access to all three systems. Additional ELCA systems will support this single login in the future.

  1. ELCA Community is where individuals, leaders and synod staff apply as candidates for ministry, manage mobility information and profiles, and register for events.
  2. ELCA Directory serves as a directory of congregations, rostered ministers, and entities of this church, and provides other information as well as statistical material.
  3. ELCA Alumni Directory is a networking space where you can find and connect with alumni around the world, from your program and other ELCA program.

If you’re already using an email account to log into an ELCA system, you can continue using that account. If you need to reset your password, click “Don’t remember your password?” to have a reset-password link sent to you.

If you’re a new or existing ELCA user, chances are that your preferred email address is already associated with one of our login-identity providers: Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft or Yahoo. You may log in using one of these providers.

You need not use one of these providers to log in. To create a new ELCA login account, you can also use an email address as your username and a password of your choosing. Please use a personal address (e.g. johnsmith@gmail.com), not a public or shared one (e.g. info@stlukelutheran.com, pastor@stlukelutheran.com).

If you have trouble accessing any of these systems, please contact Constituent.Care@elca.org.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I use a personal email address and not a shared one?
All things being equal, should I set up my login through a social media account such as Facebook or create an ELCA Community account with an email address?
I have personal Hotmail and Gmail addresses. Does it matter which one I use to log in to ELCA sites?
I’m trying to create a new account, but I’m being told the username already exists. Why?
I’m using a social login. Why am I being asked to grant permission to access my profile and email address?
I have an existing username and password. Why aren’t they working anymore?
How do I sign up?
How do I reset my password?
My bookmarks don't work, what now?
I already have an email address as my ELCA login username. How can I change the username?
I’m trying to reset my password, but I’m not getting the password-reset email.
I get an "invalid email" message when filling out the new user profile
I’ve made updates to my profile but don’t see them reflected yet. Why not?
I get a blank screen trying to log in or create an ELCA Profile. What do I do?
I see Auth0 or ELCAAuth in login prompts, what is Auth0?
I'm a LinkedIn user and I've logged in before, why am I being asked to complete a Profile?
What browser should I use for ELCA websites?
I’m having trouble logging in. How do I get help?