Civic Life and Faith  / Studies for Civic Life and Faith

Studies for Civic Life and Faith

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The ELCA Task Force on Civic Life and Faith released this study curriculum for use throughout our church in 2023. Their work is now finished and a proposed statement on Faith and Civic Life will be considered by the 2025 ELCA Churchwide Assembly.

Originally, this Study included surveys for public feedback on the content. It was a way for the task force to hear from the wider church what a social statement draft might say on civic life and faith. The period for feedback on the study ended in 2023.  

However, many church leaders encouraged the Churchwide Organization to keep the study online as a fine resource to help people engage with these issues. You are welcome to utilize it for that purpose, but please think of it as a resource on the subject of civic life and faith, not official church teaching on civic life and faith.  

The curriculum has six sessions. The first is a core introduction, while the subsequent sessions can be done in any order according to the interests of the group. Each session comes ready to use, with a teaching video, prayers, hymn suggestions, Scripture reading, group discussion questions, suggested resources, and case studies taken from everyday life.

If you have questions, please email us civicsandfaith@elca.org. For a Spanish version of the Study, go to https://www.elca.org/estudiocivicayfe.

Core Materials

  • Leader’s Overview & Materials | VIEW PDF
  • Participant Guides for All Sessions | VIEW PDF

Individual Sessions

  • Session 1: “How Is God’s Invitation to Discipleship Lived Out in a Democracy?” Leader’s Guide | VIEW PDF | WATCH VIDEO
  • Session 2: “How Do Christians Address Controversial Civic Issues?” Leader’s Guide | VIEW PDF | WATCH VIDEO
  • Session 3: “What Are Lutheran Views on Civic Life?” Leader’s Guide | VIEW PDF | WATCH VIDEO
  • Session 4: “What Are the Objectives of Democracy in the United States? Leader’s Guide | VIEW PDF | WATCH VIDEO
  • Session 5: “What's Faith-based Living Got to Do With Civic Life?” Leader’s Guide | VIEW PDF | WATCH VIDEO
  • Session 6: “How Do We Go in Peace to Love and Serve the Lord in Civic Life?” Leader’s Guide | VIEW PDF | WATCH VIDEO

Supplemental Materials: