ELCA Grants and Scholarships

The ELCA provides grants and scholarships to support the ministries of individuals, congregations, synods, partners and companion churches. This support is an important way the ELCA engages in mutual ministry and accompanies neighbors in the United States and around the world.

Learn about Impact Church Ministry Grants Impact Church Ministry Grants

These grants are specifically designed to empower and support impact ministries within our church community

Who can Apply?

ELCA Synods
ELCA Churches
ELCA Congregations

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Learn about ELCA Scholarships ELCA Scholarships

Scholarships are specifically designed for individuals who are passionate about their faith and are committed to using their education to make a positive impact in the world.

Who can Apply?

College students
MD, MS, PHD Students

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Learn about Community Resilience, Support and Justice Grants Community Resilience, Support & Justice Grants

These grants are specifically designed with a mission to spread love, kindness and support throughout our international Companions, Churches, and Organizations and are only available by invitation.

Who can Apply?

Companion churches and organizations
Ecumenical partners (e.g. LWF, LWR, CWS, WCC, ACT Allicance

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