Lutherans Assisting with Typhoon Relief

10/6/1997 12:00:00 AM


Action by Churches Together (ACT) has issued an appeal for $100,000 to
provide relief for victims of Typhoon Winnie, which made land fall in
China on August 18.  Thirty million people are affected, according to
ACT.  More than a million homes have been damaged and crops have been
lost, an economic loss is estimated at three billion dollars.
Zhejiang province was the worst hit with nearly 22 million people
affected in 75 counties, ACT reports.  ACT cited the peoples'
"resilience and ability to recover from the disaster."  According to
incomplete statistics, 21.67 million people were affected and an
unofficial report revealed a death toll of about 200. Typhoon Winnie
also caused the destruction of large numbers of pumps, aqueducts and
other infrastructure.  More than 2,800 hydro-power stations were
damaged. Subsequent rainfall inundated more than 100 granaries, and
sea water has destroyed fruit orchards.  ACT seeks to provide an
emergency drinking water project, construction of elementary schools
and a middle school, repair of an  agricultural technical school and
clinic's dispensary, replacement of destroyed medicines, and
rebuilding the Christian Church of Shepan Island.  ACT is a worldwide
network of churches, including the Lutheran World Federation, meeting
human need through coordinated emergency response.  The Lutheran World
Federation is a worldwide communion of 122 member churches, including
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG


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