Renewing Congregations

We are a church that is deeply rooted — and always being made new. Congregational renewal is a biblical journey in which ELCA congregations deepen their understanding of the word of God, expand their practice of the word in the world, and are inspired to share with others the beauty of the word.

The ELCA Domestic Mission unit engages synods and other partners in renewing congregations as vital centers for mission. By renewing congregations, we aim to create communities of faith that are growing, vibrant and diverse, with more worshipers supporting and engaged in God’s mission — locally and globally. 

Are you looking for support or resources for renewing congregations? The Domestic Mission unit’s Renewal Team provides support and assistance to synods as they equip congregations to engage in renewal ministry. This includes: transformational ministry training, the Natural Church Development process, the coaching process, ministry adjustments, mergers, consolidations, relocations, as well as synodical intervention and administration.

Learn more about congregational renewal ministry

Contact the director for evangelical mission in your synod here.

The 2011 ELCA Churchwide Assembly focused attention on the long-term institutional change of making mission planning part of the ongoing life of the ELCA. For congregational mission planning resources from across this church, click here.

For more information

Contact by email or 800-638-3522.