In the past when the ELCA highlighted the anniversary of the ordination of women, data was collected by the ELCA Research and Evaluation. This data was used to do intentional analysis of the experiences of rostered women in the ELCA, providing material for conversations around the experienced of rostered women in our church. The most recent collection of data took place last year during the 45th anniversary year of women’s ordination. The analysis of this new data is presented below.
Once again the hope is that this data will be used in conversations across the church. A first conversation took place in August, 2016, at a Grace Gathering workshop led by the Rev. Elise Brown and the Rev. Gwen King.
As we give thanks to God for all the women who accepted the call from God to serve over these past 45 years, we hope and pray that the conversations to come will help us as individuals, as congregations, as institutions, and as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to continue the development of goals that foster equality and health ministry opportunities.