Mission Planning

As people of faith, we trust that God is doing a new thing in the world and we long to be part of this work. Mission planning is the process of discovering how your congregation is called to live as the body of Christ. Assessing congregational vitality can help focus mission plans to capitalize on strengths and address challenges within congregations. On this page, you’ll find resources that have been created across the ELCA as well as by other sources to help you assess congregational vitality and create a mission plan that fits your gifts and context.

Vital congregations are empowered by God's active presence to live out God’s mission both inside and outside their walls. Vital congregations may be any size or shape but always have strong connections with God, each other and the world, especially within the local community. This tab contains tools to help you assess your congregation's vitality.

Congregational Vitality Project Background

Background on the Congregational Vitality Project including the assumptions and research behind the surveys.

Congregational Vitality Project Background


Parochial Report Discussion Guide

Discussion guide for parochial report items about connections with God, each other and the world.

Parochial Report Discussion Guide


Do-it-yourself tools help your ministry dig into the work of mission planning. These resources include study guides, tools for exploring Scripture in conjunction with congregational mission and processes for developing your own mission plan.

Adaptations of 1-to-1's

How-to resource provides 6 practical ways to use one-to-one relational meetings as part of an intentional listening campaign.

Adaptations of 1-to-1's


Beyond Our Doors

Do-it-yourself planning tool well-suited to congregations new to or experienced with mission planning. From the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin.

Beyond Our Doors


Building a Mission Table

Narrative step-by-step process for congregations seeking to develop a mission plan for their setting. From the Northwestern Pennsylvania Synod.

Building a Mission Table


Congregation Life Cycle Question

Self-assessment tool that assists congregations in thinking about their place in the life cycle and invites reflection in identifying the challenges and opportunities for mission from that place. From the Northwest Minnesota and Eastern North Dakota Synods.

Congregation Life Cycle Question


Discovering Approaches to Mission

One-page workshop that connects a congregation's mission to context to create a vision and strategies for moving forward. From the Northwest Washington Synod.

Discovering Approaches to Mission


Front Porchin' Workbook

Evangelism resource designed to help readers discover God's Story/My Story/Your Story and where they meet. From the Northwestern Pennsylvania Synod.

Front Porchin' Workbook


Growing Congregational Vitality

This missional planning workbook helps congregations begin, develop, review or redefine their unique mission plans. From the Southwestern Minnesota Synod.

Growing Congregational Vitality


Guide to 1-on-1 Conversations

Basic background and techniques in conducting one-to-one relational meetings.

Guide to 1-on-1 Conversations


Manual for Congregational Mission Planning

Guide outlines a process for developing a congregational Mission plan.  for Congregational Mission Planning document. From the Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod.

Manual for Congregational Mission Planning


Process for Discerning Purpose Statement

An outline rooted in prayer and Bible study for helping congregations discover and put words to a purpose statement for participating in God's mission. From  the Northwest Minnesota and Eastern North Dakota Synods.

Process for Discerning Purpose Statement


Read, Reflect and Respond Bible Study

A model for listening to Scripture. From the Southwestern Texas Synod.

Read, Reflect and Respond Bible Study


Season for Prayer and Renewal

Resource provides flexible options to facilitate prayer, reflection and conversation around living out God's purpose. From the Northwest Minnesota and Eastern North Dakota Synods.

Season for Prayer and Renewal


Some Basics for Evaluating

This paper provides some basic pointers for evaluating a ministry. Used with other simple evaluation tools it will help you ask key questions to get the most out of a time of evaluation.

Some Basics for Evaluating


Some Basics for Planning

This paper with corresponding worksheet is designed to provide some basic pointers for planning. It will help you to identify concrete tasks needed to accomplish goals and outcomes.

Some Basics for Planning


Story Matters

Story Matters helps congregations discover and articulate, in a deep and biblically based conversation, their unique identity and mission. 

Story Matters


Essential background resources help you and your congregation think about mission planning and explore what’s needed to develop a mission plan for your ministry.

Guiding Principles for Mission Planning

Six Guiding Principles shape mission planning efforts.

Guiding Principles for Mission Planning


Marks of a Missional Congregation

Conversation starter to think about mission planning.

Marks of a Missional Congregation


Model for Thinking About Mission

Discern God's mission by examining identify, context and purpose through 3 great listenings.

Model for Thinking About Mission


Paradigms for Mission Renewal

Paradigm shifts that provide a concrete way of imagining the breadth and depth of congregational renewal. From the Saint Paul Area Synod.

Paradigms for Mission Renewal


Worship and Mission

One-page paper examines the mutuality of worship and music in congregational life.

Worship and Mission


Resource lists provide you with suggestions of how to learn more about mission planning and missional leadership for your ministry.


Resources examining our relationship with one another, focusing on discipleship and community building. From the Montana Synod.


Resources concerning our relationship with God, emphasizing spiritual formation and practice. From the Montana Synod.

Missional Leadership Books

Augsburg Fortress resources related to missional leadership.

Missional Leadership Books


Resources for Going Deeper

Mission planning resource list. From the Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod.

Resources for Going Deeper


Web site Links

Mission planning resource list.

Web site Links



Resources for exploring our relationship with the world, specifically engaging and serving neighbor and world. From the Montana Synod.